Blog: Food & Skin – A healthy balanced diet is the key to keep your skin happy and get you glowing inside out

January 27, 2021

Wondering why you can’t get rid of the acne on your face? Desperate to get radiant, glowing skin? Spending hundreds of dollars on skincare products is not the only way! You are what you eat.


Your skin’s best friends 皮膚最好的朋友

A healthy balanced diet is the key to keep your skin happy and get you glowing inside out. A healthy skin also acts as a barrier to protect all your other organs from the external environment, including pathogens.

健康均衡的飲食是助你獲得嬌嫩肌膚的關鍵! 健康的皮膚亦是身體防禦外來影響的第一道防線,令細菌不會進入皮膚及身體內。

Other tips 溫馨提示:

Get enough sleep (7-8 hours per night): good for your skin


Do exercise regularly (e.g. running, brisk walking):  improve skin blood flow to give you a rosy glow

恆常運動(例如跑步, 快步走):有助血液循環,將養份送到皮膚表層,從而令皮膚變得光澤亮麗

Stay Hydrated: drink six to eight glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated.

補充水分: 每天飲6至8杯水,以補充皮膚水分。

Reference: British Dietetic Association, Harvard Medical School, Oregon State University